Friday, March 1, 2013

Trust and Obey

Worry is so common among us all today...especially today with so many financial and economical, social and spiritual uncertainties looming in our sights. But there is One I know Who knows what is coming, and how to conquer it all. 
Okay, here is another quote or saying that I have heard all my life that has such strong meaning to me now: "If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans." We are all planners to some extent or another, and that is a good thing, I think. But something happens to us when those plans get thrown off in the slightest. We freak out!! Our plans are not always God's plans for us...and thankfully so. When I think back over my life, there are so many situations that I would have liked to have happened differently, at the time. But now, seeing the outcome and result and blessings from those times, I am SO happy that my God is in control! He is the creator of our universe! Why do we think we know better than Him in what should or shouldn't happen?! Who do we think we are?! (Totally talking to myself here!) 
Trust is an incredibly hard thing to do for us. I have had "trust issues" my whole life. It is something I struggle with to this day, but that does NOT give me the right to doubt anyone, most of all God. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians that love believes all things. Do I believe all things good about others? About God?! I know what you are thinking now, "Wait, Lari, you don't mean that you don't trust God!" Well, I hope I trust Him with every fiber of my being. But you tell me, what does it say to Him when I doubt or worry? Isn't that saying, in essence, that I don't trust Him to work things for my good? Isn't that saying that I doubt His ability to handle my piddly problems?! If we get to the heart of the matter, I'm afraid it does say that to Him. In order to give control of my life to my Creator, I cannot doubt or worry. The LORD will provide for me and my family if we seek Him and His will. And I know these things, oh so well, but the devil is a lurking foe with fear, doubt, worry, and self-reliance dripping from his bared fangs. He is waiting for me to give him a foothold with a shadow of a doubt. He doesn't need much to grab a hold of me and drag me into his misery. I must cling to my Father as a child frightened in the night clings to the strong arms of her earthly daddy. But instead of asking my Father to make it go away, I have decided I want to ask Him to make it less scary. The struggles and scary things of this world will never go away while we are on this earth. So I want to ask God to help me defuse the fear and doubt. And He will because He has promised us all the "peace that passes all understanding". I have recently gotten to enjoy that peace, and although I can't explain it, let me share this with you, it is amazing and wonderful. Please take Him up on that offer. Give your worries and cares to Him and trust! He commands us to do this. Isn't it an amazing comfort to know that when we are Home with Him, this will all seem as NOTHING! So don't let NOTHING stand in your way of rest in your Father's arms! How sad to turn to our own understanding, and thinking that we can make it on our own! How arrogant and pitiful we can be. God waits to answer our knock for peace and comfort. Let Him be your Hero.

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