Thursday, December 13, 2012

They're Not Heavy...

I can't believe you are back for more, people!  What an honor to have you reading! It is a great compliment, and for that I thank you!
     I laid awake in bed last night, unable to sleep. I thought about so many things, but mostly my mind raced, as probably many of yours have, to things that I want to/need to get done today, tomorrow, this weekend, before Christmas, so on and so forth... This time of year is horrible for my sleepless nights. But as I thought about all of those chores to accomplish, I drifted to another aspect of it all: I have a LOT of responsibilities!
     I still, less than two weeks until Christmas, need to plan gifts for our families. With a tight budget, and lots of activities this time of year, how am I going to manage the money to stretch it through the month?! I know, and have experienced how God provides for those who rely on Him. And boy, do we rely on Him! He is so faithful to give us what we need when we seek His will and obey it! Jesus promises this in Matthew 6:33, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." I know this, and I believe everything that God tells us in His word. But, just like lots of things in this life, it is very hard to put into practice. God has never let us go without what we need, and He even allows us luxuries. So why do I doubt? Because I am a short-sighted, forgetful human. So daily, I remind myself of the One Who has never left my side while others come and go from my life. There is one Constant: God. 

     So, the mind drifted to a less stressful arena. I began to think of my sleeping babies in their snug little beds. But wait, my children alone are a huge responsibility. I remember the moments after I found out I was pregnant with our first child. I was at work, and sitting at my desk. I immediately had a knot in my stomach...or was it nausea? No, I realized there is a soul that is dependent on me for everything. But the thought that struck me the hardest was that it was a pure soul. It is up to me and my beloved to teach them about God, about love, about humility, about cleanliness, about respect, about other cultures and types of people, about how to treat each other...are you feeling the overwhelming feeling that kept me up? However daunting this responsibility is, it is my favorite. What a joy it is to share in the newness of the world in their eyes. I am amazed at what they take in and learn daily. They are little sponges that absorb the world around them at an alarming rate. So we must proceed with caution. It is my husband and my responsibilities to do all we can to return these precious souls to God as pure as He gave them to us.
        Another responsibility that I thought of was my responsibility to my husband. We, as wives, play a huge role in who our husbands are in the world. I have recently learned the influence I have on how successful he is as a husband, father, Christian, or even an employee! My relationship with him permeates so many aspects of who he is. So with a slip of the tongue, or over-stepping my God-given boundaries, I can strike a devastating blow to the man of my heart given to me by my Heavenly Father. Or, with a kind word of encouragement or literal pat on the back, his confidence is built up and he is off to conquer the world for us. I know that sounds pretty egotistical of me, but it's a fact. If he doesn't have my trust and respect and affection, what else matters to a husband? It will affect how feels about his ability to conquer other areas of life. So, add being a loving, supportive wife to my growing list of responsibilities!
        Next on the responsibility list is my duties to my fellow Christians. I pondered over my example to others who are striving to live as Christ-like as possible. Am I encouraging, or causing others to stumble? Does my "conversation" edify them or distract them from the cross of Christ? I truly believe we all strive to help each other in this life, but we constantly struggle with jealousies, competitions, arguments, insecurities, and so forth. Is my aim always to lift others to reach their goal? God's Word says it should be! "For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' But if you bite and devour one another, watch out that you are not consumed by one another." (Gal 5:13-15) 
         Yet another concern that popped into this ever-cranking brain is my responsibility as a Christian serving God. Yes, that one should have been first on the list, but I admit to you here and now that I fail daily when prioritizing my time. I regretfully confess that my time alone with God sometimes falls into the gaps of the other chores and activities. I have to, with purpose and determination, set out to make time in my day to talk with Him. But let me let you in on this awesome revelation I have had: the more I make time for God, the more time I want to spend with Him. A very smart man once told me that, and I hoped to find it out for myself one day, this would be the case. And one night, not too long ago, I found myself lying in bed, feeling so eager to go to God with a list of things I wanted to tell Him! It wasn't that I was in need of a laundry list of things from Him, as I sometimes do. It wasn't that I had a heavy heart at all! It was that I had a familiar feeling of calling up my best friend to share my thoughts. Now, mind you, I did so with complete awe that God has reshaped this heart of mine. I pray that He will continue this process, as I undoubtedly know that I am so far from being complete. But please, take my challenge! If you struggle with spending time alone with God, set a timer for ten minutes each day...yes, set a timer. You will be amazed at the amount of growth that comes from ten minutes. Your ten minutes of quality time will grow and grow, until one day you will look back and be amazed that you once could confine your time to so little. Once again, I still have days where I let other things choke out that time...I told you I have so much to learn, and this skull is pretty thick! And as I lay in bed, I wondered if I had done my best lately at nurturing my relationship with the Creator. Sadly, I have to say I don't feel I had. 
        So my summary of all those responsibilities is that they are all incredibly important and worthy of my time, but none should be viewed as a burden. Each is a gift to be cherished. And so my assignment for today to treat each as the treasure they are! And may my LORD be glorified in the process!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hello world!!

Hello World!

        Well, at the risk of sounding a little weird and inexperienced, this is a little weird and intimidating! This is my first attempt at this strange, new world of "blogging"! How strange to assume that others may have any interest in what goes on in this mundane, ordinary, everyday life of mine. So if you become bored and a little disenchanted with this blog, I tried to warn you! But for those of you who choose to stick around, this is a small glimpse into the life of a Christian, who tries daily to work her hardest for her husband, children, and most importantly, her God. I don't say that to sound self-righteous, or even that I have this whole life figured out. That is the furthest thing from the truth. Just like the title of this blog suggests, everyday is a new day for this mama. Everyday is a chance to try again to serve God with my whole heart. I have learned many things in my short time here on this earth, but there is SO much more that I hope others will share with me.  
So if you have the goods, share the wealth!! 

Now that the awkward introduction is done, let's get going on what's going on today. Over the past ten months, I have discovered a new catagory of my life that I never dreamed existed. I learned that I do have a drive to change what is wrong in my life. I am not stuck in the struggles of being unhappy with myself. I can take control, and I can change!

Ten months ago, I went to a Weight Watchers meeting with a friend to give it a try. I had once before lost significant weight with the program, so this should have been a hopeful time for me. Nope, I was feeling defeated already as I opened the door of the meeting. "I wonder how long this will last?" Not the meeting mind you, but my commitment to the process. I had started so, SO many diets only to last a week or two if I was really motivated. So what made this time any different?! What was I thinking?! This is how I am, and no amount of starvation would change my body. I honestly was convinced of that. 

But let me tell you what I have realized as over the next few months passed by, and the weight came off. I realized I am not in control! 
The same God that created the heavens and the earth created me. He holds me, and everything in His hands. As soon as I turned it over to Him, I succeeded. I prayed with my whole heart to lose weight, and become healthier. Although the physical process of eating less and moving more was ultimately up to me, He holds me in this. HE keeps me motivated, and driving forward.  
  And I believe the reason God has answered that prayer that I prayed was a key ingredient in that prayer. See, it was not for selfish gain to lose this weight. It was not to acheive the smokin' hot bod that I always dreamed of...that is SO not gonna happen in a million years! It was to become the wife and mother that I had always wanted to be. 
        When I had become a mother almost 6 years before, I was already over-weight. I began my pregnancy at 228 pounds. Not good. And proceeded to gain another 28 pounds before my Joe-man made his appearance a little over 8 months later. And, fast forward to 2011, three babies and pregnancies later, I was tipping the scales at 250...not pregnant! I know you are thinking, "You are insane for putting those numbers out there for everyone to see!!" And, yes, you are probably right. I have never been accused of being sane. But my point is this: I felt alone, but I wasn't. God was with me, yes. But there are other women out there who struggle with weight. Hello! I am not the only one. That is the point of this blog. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! How's that for sounding corny?! But it is so true. When we feel alone, we tend to feel defeated. But always look for others to help you on your way. God was that One for me. The not-so-ending to this story is that so far I am 60 pounds lighter, and my faith is 60 pounds heavier. I know what Paul said in Philippians is true because I have lived it. "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me." (Phil. 4:13) The fact I am sure of is that because my aim is to be a better servant of Christ, He is strengthening me daily. My prayer now is that I keep Christ and God's will at the center of my life, in all aspects of my life. There is nothing of me that is not His.